From event to part-time-all-round management: Versatile Corporate Communications in 10 years


You celebrated your 10th anniversary with the firm in November 2020. What was your professional career like and what do your activities look like today?

Already during my studies in International Business Administration, I did an internship and subsequent work-study at Rödl & Partner in Corporate Communications. Shortly after I started, I was greeted by the founder Dr. Bernd Rödl with the question "Oh, are you the new intern in the office across the hall? How nice!", and was invited to toast to his 65th birthday. I was immediately struck by the warm and familiar atmosphere in the firm, which has left a lasting impression on me.


This is why I was drawn back to Rödl & Partner after graduation, where I have now been working on many exciting projects in the field of corporate communications for 10 years. For a long time, my focus was on event organisation, e.g. as project manager of the 1st M&A Dialogue, deputy project manager of the Forum Global, or responsible for the organisation of numerous Rödl & Partner ski trips.


What has been your personal highlight in recent years?

Being a part of the Corporate Communications team means knowing the needs of different stakeholders and responding to them empathetically. That's precisely what makes working in this team so special and exciting. Whether it's events, the implementation of our core brand values and corporate design, working on the website or internal communications, I really appreciate my varied tasks and my team.


One of my most memorable moments was the Forum Global in June 2011, when we hosted 75 Castellers de Barcelona and made incredible photo and video shoots for our corporate design at the time. I also got to participate in the creation of a human tower.


What do you value most about your job?

In addition to the multi-faceted years of practical experience I can already look back on, my top priority at the moment is the work-life balance. I'm very grateful for the flexibility I've been given – especially under the current circumstances. Knowing that I could support my team with more hours at any time makes me very proud and I look forward to the time when the children are a little bigger.


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Coordination with Prof. Dr. Christian Rödl at the annual ski trip

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